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Re: snow
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Monday, March 1, 1999, at 07:48:49
In Reply To: Re: snow posted by Dave on Monday, March 1, 1999, at 06:38:56:

> > Well, how about it New England, has winter
> >started yet? I'm going to write to my sister in
> >Mass. just to see how email travels in snow
> >drifts.
> Here in New Hampshire we have the standard four seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Mud Season, and Construction.
> Alternately, I've heard our weather described as "11 months of winter and 30 days of rain."

Oh yes? I was just there two days ago, and it seemed nice enough. Well, down here in New York (the *deep* south), we seem to be an island of not-sinking-into-the-storm. Everything on the way down was all snow and freezing rain, and then we got here and it was that sensation of "Huh? What happened to the winter?" It's about sixty-five degrees here, and there's no snow in sight. We got a little rain last night, but nothing to write home about (even though, as I recall, I did...)

Home is a story in and of itself. Greenfield just happens to be the one spot in all of Massachusetts that is not currently buried under eighteen feet of snow. We got nothing (*much* to the delight of my snowboard-fanatic brother :-}) except a little bit of rain. Turn on the news though, and you see shots of Springfield and Worcester and what-have-you (where-have-you?) buried under heaps of snow. I think that was God's way of poking fun at my brother.

Dar "Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo" ien

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