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Re: Llanfair? Nope, Taumatawhakatangihanga
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 19:25:00
In Reply To: Re: Llanfair? Nope, Taumatawhakatangihanga posted by Darien on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 15:01:52:

> > Brunnen-"we're all unique at RinkWorks...that's why we're all so similar ;-)"G
> I'm not unique; I'm exactly the same. My proof of this follows:
> Pop culture likes to thrust down our throats the cliché (*with* an accent - happy, Eric? ;-}) "we're all different." Well, obviously, if we're all different, there must be something that we are all different *from.* That's me. Therefore, I am exactly the same, and everyone else is different. Makes perfect sense, no?

No way, José, you big self-delusional bag of pus and bones :-) You've read your Karl Barth; you know exactly Whom It Is from Whom we're all different, don't you, and it's certainly Not You. Hehehehehe.

Wolf "No it's *José* I was abusing, not Dar-- HEY! PUT DOWN THAT CHAINSAW!!!!" spirit