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Re: More TV ad 'fun'...
Posted By: Lurker, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 13:12:01
In Reply To: Re: More TV ad 'fun'... posted by eric sleator on Monday, May 8, 2000, at 16:29:47:

> These things irritate me. They could at least have all the people have runny noses or no hair or something so I would konw which product is being pitched at me. Or perhaps just an image of one of their pills slamming into their picturesque little lake, causing a vague tidal wave, which destroys an advertising agency. There would be, of course, no specific information as to which advertising agency it was, but I think we'd all be happy just the same.

This is why I like the commercials for Flomax, a bladder control loss medicine...they show people driving around towing portapotties behind their cars. :)