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Re: Fortune Cookies
Posted By: Trip, on host
Date: Monday, May 8, 2000, at 09:17:12
In Reply To: Fortune Cookies posted by Fobulis on Sunday, May 7, 2000, at 19:22:52:

> Question: what's the best fortune you've ever gotten from a fortune cookie?

I once opened up a cookie and found: NOW IS THE TIME. Hard to argue with that, I suppose...

On a similar topic, I was once at a friend's college graduation dinner. The large Chinese restaurant table was half her friends, half her family. Of course, people read their fortunes aloud. That was the first time I ever realized that the "IN BED" trick seems to be generational -- all the younger people automatically mentally added it, and all the older people couldn't understand why we were laughing so hard at some of the fortunes.

(In the event that you don't know it, the rule is: almost every fortune cookie fortune is better when you add the words "in bed" to the end. Juvenile, yes, but it can be very funny too.)

-- Trip

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