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Re: street sigh poll
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2000, at 19:56:30
In Reply To: Re: street sigh poll posted by Darien on Wednesday, May 3, 2000, at 10:33:46:

> > > I don't object to a little construction now and then. . . . You'd think they could be a little more considerate.
> >
> > I'm with you. I don't have a problem with people doing construction. Live and let live, I always say. But do they have to do it in the *road*?
> I find consruction entertaining, specifically highway construction that extends for miles. Sometimes I can't tell if it's construction or if the traffic cones are migrating.

Hehe, good one. My wife and I thought it was *especially* funny when we ran into some road work taking place in Germany on our honeymoon. Specifically, one of the workers had limited his thigh-concealing apparel to not more than a grey pair of cotton briefs. The crew was felling trees beside the road, and I can only admire the fellow's valor in forgoing any additional protection from the flying wood-chips.

Iss "should've given Stephen our photo of the guy for inclusion in the CL4N L33T CL4M gallery" achar