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Further Adventures With Speedball (LIVE FROM NEW YORK!)
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2000, at 19:01:05

After a week of setteling in to my new class here at Elmira one might think I'd like to take it easy, kick back, read some comics, watch some TV, play a little D&D and basicaly veg out. No. That would have been easy. So I went to New York City!

I am the new Historian for ECDC (Elmira College Drama Club). This means I am the keeper of the scrap book. This means I come to every meeting and ask if anyone has any ECDC related pictures. Which they never do. It is a very easy job.

Well anywho we have been planning since last year to do a New York city trip, to go see some Broadway shows. So we finally did.

We were set to leave a 5 o'clock, A.M., Saturday morning. To get ready I should have gone to bed earily. Thats is what I should have done. Instead I stayed up till 2a.m. watching Army of Darkness, the directors cut (with the original not seen in theaters ending). I then got all of two hours sleep, got up, got my stuff together, and went to the bus. I have yet to shower.

The bus featured a video system, but since the first movie to be put on was Drop Dead Gorgeous (ack! Bad movie, but the heroine is cute) I decided to ignore it as best I could and started to finish the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book on tape that I had started on my last road trip. The second movie up was 200 Cigarets, which I may rent sometime since I was still listening to Harry Potter. That one may have been a good movie.

We arrived at the Comfort Inn that we were going to stay at to early (10ish), our rooms wern't ready and wouldn't be ready for over an hour. Two of the rooms would be ready is about 20 minuets. I read my book (Enchantment by Orsen Scott Card). We decided to wait till those rooms were ready, then the guys could change and dump there stuff in one room, the ladys in another. There were about 30 of us, only five of us were guys. After I had showered we got back on the bus and headed into the city.

The bus driver dropped us off and we were told to be back at 10:45. We then went off into groups. I found myself in a group that was headed off to the Harley Davidson Cafe. On the way we passed the site were the 'Agent Training (Woman in the Red Dress)' scene from the Matrix was shot. The Cafe served good food, but expensive. I opted to pay an extra five dollars to get the sovenire glass. It is a nice big glass. I used my credit card.

We then went to Time Square to buy tickets from the discount ticket both. I bought tickets to Les Mis. Front Row, first seat on the left, obstructed view. 42$. Cash. I was planning to pay with Credit Card. I am now operating on very limited cash reserves.

We then had to wait on a corner because one of our number was going to meet someone there. We eventually left her because we couldn't wait any longer. Before we left several of us, including myself went in to a Medieval Times sword store (a store owned by the franchise that preformed jousts and serves medieval meal (so siverware). You watch them fight as you eat. Marvoules fun, pity they only had the sword store in New York). I pick up a mineature sword/letter opener shaped like Conan's sword. I payed with credit card.

We wanted to go to the American Museum of Natural History to look at the Dinosaurs. So we started walking. The wrong way. We got two taxis infront of Madison Square Garden and went to the Museam. My cash dwindeled.

We tourd the museum quickly, I bought a minature dinosaure (Oviraptor I think) and a sovinare coin with dino's on it. I payed with credit card. Back into taxi's, this time to our seperate theaters. I now hav about 5$ cash.

Les Mis, even from what is possibly the worst seats in the house if magnificent. 20 *s out of 10. I cried at the end.

Les Mis let out at about 11:25, we were supposed to be on the bus at 10:45. Holding my mounting panic in check we hurryed to the bus. The bus was still there, but Jack the Bus Driver was cranky. We returned to the hotel, and after some more room trouble we we able to go to sleep, sometime around 12:30-1:00.

8:45, alarm set by room mate wakes us up. I roll over and try to get some more sleep as he showers. I then get up shower, and get my stuff together. I go down to the lobby and wait for every one else in the loung. I opt not to eat breakfast because I'm never hungry in the morning and eating breakfast for some reason gives me a tummy ach. I finish the book Enchantment. I load my stuff back on the bus a we all return to the city. This time me and Wyvern (yes she was there too) decide to just do some tourest type shopping in the Time Square area. I bought everything except the Soft Pretzel and the Sprite with credit card. I now own:
I little rubber monster that looks like a woman/aligator/chicken,
two fake eye finger puppets,
a 'Who wants to kick a millionaire's A$$' post card, three 2 cm tall miniatures- Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, and a little Big Apple
Sunglasses with red glass (looks like something Cyclops of the X-Men might were when out of uniform)
5 PVC Superheroes- Hulk, Captain America, Prof. X, the Beast, and Batman from Batman: Forever
For my Sister:
A fake cell phone that makes sounds when you push the buttons
a thing of bubbles in a bottle shaped like the Statue of Liberty
For my Dad:
A thing of imported Jappaness tooth picks with fancy ends
For my Mom:
A door hang (like the do not disturbe signs) with a picture of Christ that says 'Jesus I need a vacation (My mother in the principal of a Catholic Elementary school.
From Virgin Records Megastore (for myself again):
SUPERHEROES: Joe Kubert's Wonderful World of Comics- a very complete 'how to' book
MST3K: Manos the Hands of Fate- I've heard so many things about this I had to see it, but since I don't have a TV or VCR here at college I'll have to wait a bit.
From Midtown Comics (you knew I'd find a comic store didn't you?):
A very cool T-Shirt with Venom's symbol on the front and back.
Spider-Woman #12
X-Men Unlimited #27
Marvel: The Lost Generation #9
and Orsen Scott Card's Songmaster (one of the few old Card books I haven't read yet)

We then sat in the little park of 6th Avenue that the bus was going to pick us up infront of. The bus came we got on, everyone else got back and we set off. First movie up was Pushing Tin, not terrible, but not terrible interesting either. I read the comic books and tried to get some sleep. Next up was, happliy, The Princess Bride. No need to say I watched the movie gladly. Not long after the credits rolled we pulled in to the campus.

Thus endth my New York Weekend.

The moral

Bring more that 40 dollars with you when you go to New York City.


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