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Re: ...when I was in college...
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 20:07:10
In Reply To: ...when I was in college... posted by Howard on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 20:02:52:

> So what did you do in college? Study?

I think these lirics I found on-line summerize how I'm spending a lot of my non-class time at college.

Medieval People

by Mark Silverman

Whilst playing in fields in the days of my youth
I stumbled round lost in a search for the truth
I tripped and I fell,
And a vision I had
That I was a medieval lad
That I was a medieval lad
Yes I was a medieval lad

So I learned me the ways of Advanced D&D
I grew a long beard (eventually)
I bought me a lute that I play when I can
And now I'm a medieval man
Yes I am a medieval man
By my beard I'm a medieval man

I'll fight for the honor of any young maid!
I'll stand and I'll die with the friends that I've made!
My boots may be tattered my cloak may be frayed,
But I'll go into battle I am not afraid!
My wit is as sharp as the edge of my blade!
My wit is as sharp as the edge of my blade!
My blade...

And I spend all my weekends at renaissance faires
Riding my horse and selling my wares
I'm in a good guild
And on quests I am sent
For I am a medieval gent
Yes I am a medieval gent
By my boots I am a medieval gent

And once at a joust I did win a wife
Like a will-o-the-wisp she's the light of my life
We're both engineers
And we both have long hair
Yes we are a medieval pair
Yes we are a medieval pair
We are a medieval pair


Yes me and my friends we get carried away
We get so involved we forget that it's play
We live in a world
That we know is pretend
That's all right we are medieval men
Yes we are medieval men
By our beards we are medieval men!
