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Re: Reclaim the Night weirdness
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 10:18:18
In Reply To: Re: Reclaim the Night weirdness posted by Faux Pas on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 09:51:51:

> For the rest of the statistics, I was supporting Tom Schmidt's statement that arguing that violent crime takes place only in large cities is absurd.

And upon a review of this whole message thread, I can see where this is going. Sam says one thing:

>The alternative, of course, is to send these people to Boston or New York City for a while, so that when they come back, they will realize that although UNH is part of an imperfect world in which bad things do happen to people who do not take common sense precautions that, true, often adden those who have to make them, it's far from the crime capital of the world.

which speaks to crimes committed by area (or square mile/km).

>As for the argument that they should go to New York and see what rape is _really_ like -- well, that's part of the problem. The attitude that rape or other crimes against women only take place in big cities or "dangerous" areas is one of the things that tends to discourage any more practical action against them.

which speaks to crimes committed compared to the population density.

If this were, we'd go into a never ending death spiral message thread, arguing with each other even though we agree with the basic concepts.

-Faux "steps back, brushes self off, moves on" Pas

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