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Re: jet lag
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 09:21:40
In Reply To: Re: jet lag posted by Faux Pas on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 08:14:14:

> > Don't ask about the wild chickens. Aw, what the heck. Ask.
> How about those Wild Chickens, eh? Didn't think they'd get into the Stanley Cup playoffs, but after that 4-3 OT win in game seven -- man, what a nailbiter! Whoo!
> Too bad they don't stand a chance against the Dallas Stars.
> -Faux "wonders where the boundary is between being jet lagged and just plain ol' being really tired" Pas

After 10 hours of sleep, I feel better.
About the chicken thing:
I've been to Kauai three times now and the first two trips I seem to remember seeing a chicken or two, but this time they were wall to wall. Mostly banties, these chickens are wild ones that have excaped, living off the land and reproducing like crazy. The roosters are really funny. At the beach one day a little red banty rooster was running around challenging any thing with feathers. He tried to pick fights with sea gulls, sparrows, mynahs, and other roosters. The gulls just gave him the "you stupid idiot" look and flew off. The other roosters ran like chickens.
We had lunch in old Koloa town in one of those open-air restaurants that are so common in Hawaii, and there were chickens wandering around picking up stray French fries off the floor. The waitresses tried chasing them off but they kept coming back. You could hear roosters crowing from daybreak until dark no matter where you were. We saw chickens from the beach to 4000 feet. They outnumbered any other wildlife.
Speaking of wildlife, we saw a couple of rare Hawaiian monk seals. They just hauled out on the beach and took a nap in the middle of a crowd of tourist. No wonder they are on the endangered list! I always thought of them as small seals but they are several hundred pounds. They aren't the least bit intimidated by chickens.

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