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Re: Syntactical Meanderings
Posted By: Balanthalu's, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2000, at 18:11:58
In Reply To: Re: Syntactical Meanderings posted by Howard on Monday, April 17, 2000, at 16:35:01:

> Frankly, I think punctuation mark's are great! and you can't use enough of them. (Parenthetically speaking) "I like to use quotation mark's with 'half quotes' in the middle." Colons and semicolons can be used interchangeably; but not correctly: who cares? Plenty of punctuation-marks makes up for poor sentence structure, if you have that problem like I do, too. Brackets are [nice] and I like to use them in unexpected places! I'ts the same with the apostophee's which I can't spell and don't alway's use correctly. I use 'em in words like 'possum and 'coon which are little southern animal's with silent letter's and silent syllable's. I see no reason to distinguish between possessive's and plural's. Sometime's I even use footnotes* just because it make's me look smart! I don't find much use for/slash-marks, but sometime's I use one just for fun. It's the same with hyphens-and double--dashes. Who care's if you use 'em right as long as you're usin''em! Was that last sentence a question?
> How"more 'quotes!"ard
> *This is a footnote. If there were two of 'em, they'd be feetnote's.

Gah. Even knowing that the post was humorous did not make it any less like fingernails on a blackboard to read the apostrophe abuse. I'm not much of a grammar freak, but I absolutely despise unecessary apostrophe's.

Bal "Grr" anthalu's