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Re: Thank you all for your prayers and concern.
Posted By: Dracimas, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000, at 08:00:52
In Reply To: Thank you all for your prayers and concern. posted by Grishny on Wednesday, April 12, 2000, at 07:31:17:

> Many of you responded to my post of March 24, 2000, when I asked for prayer for my wife and our family. It's been almost three weeks, and I wanted to let you all know that there is indeed POWER IN PRAYER.
> We were able with the help of my family to find both a psychiatrist and a therapist who were both Christians, which was very important to us. During my wife's stay in the hospital, she did receive much help, but unfortunately much of that help was tainted with worldly philosophy. And the psychiatrist who treated her in the hospital seemed to me to be much too liberal in the way he dispensed medication. Our new doctor took one look at my wife's condition and realized she needed to get off the strong medication, since the terrible side effects caused by it were not worth whatever help it might have given her.
> Since she has been off the medicine,the side effects are all but gone, and her mental health is improving every day. She will probably be on antidepressents for at least a year, but I think this will be more of a safety precaution than a necessity. In short, Mrs. Grishny is becoming a *better* person than she was before, thanks to this trial...and thanks to your prayers and those of our family and friends.
> Please, do not stop praying for us. But be encouraged that your prayers are being answered. God is working!
> Psalm 145:18 "The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth."
> Gri"very thankful"shny

Thanks for the update. Also remember James 1:2-3: Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. (NIV)

Keep us appraised.
