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Re: Hole E Cow! Look at all those messages!
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2000, at 17:02:31
In Reply To: Re: Hole E Cow! Look at all those messages! posted by Mousie on Wednesday, March 29, 2000, at 15:39:26:

> > I've been gone less than a week, and it appears that I will never get caught up reading everything that has been posted.
> >
> > Nobody asked, but I'm going to report on Six Days in Georgia. I spent three days with the grandkids and three days at the Southeastern Cushman Club meet. Alex and Tori are fine, growing, learning, and running full speed. As for the meet in Cochran, Georgia, it was a blast as usual. The whole bloomin' state is blooming, as expected this time of year, but Cochran, a sterotypical southern small town, is the bloomingest bloomin' town anywhere. Flowering shrubs and trees are everywhere. And you never saw so many bloomin' motor scooters in your life. Scooter restorers are beginning to use a great variety of colorful color schemes and the bloomin' scooters almost rival the bloomin' flowers. Come to think of it, I have red, orange, green and yellow scooters. I guess I need a bloomin' blue one.
> > The 1963 Cushman Super Silver Eagle that I bought in Feb. is now running and if I keep tweaking it, I may get it to running well. I replaced the throttle cable today. The old one was frayed and, as it turns out, improperly installed. That should help me control the RPM's a little better. It is the first 2-speed Cushman I have ridden and I am adjusting to the almost foolproof transmission. It has a foot clutch, but you only need it to change gears. You can idle in gear without using the clutch petal, because it automatically disengages at idle. It has enough power to take off in high gear, so that you wouldn't even need to shift unless you got in a hurry or came to a hill. Very simple. So why does it take me a while to adjust? Beats me.
> > I also added a rear view mirror so I can see where I've been. Now why would anybody want a 37-year-old motor scooter? I'm don't know for sure, but about 15 people tried to buy it from me. One of them came back three times.
> > My 1947 Cushman began fouling plugs. It does that when it's ridden slowly. So I took it out and blew the carbon out. Must have hit 40 mph! I know that doesn't sound fast, but it's 53 years old. I left the Highlander (1961) and the Vespa (1974)at home. I gotta getta bigger bloomin' trailer.
> > Howard
> Howard, we can't win with you! First we're not posting enough, then we're posting too much! From here on out, we need to remember to post a lot when you're in town, and slow down when you're traveling. I hope we can keep it straight! Love to the lovely Willette.
> Mousie
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I didn't realize that I was being so phickel. Right after I posted that, I had another rush trip back to Georgia and still haven't read much yet. I got on line with my daughter's computer for a while, but I always hate to tie up somebody's phone line for very long. I find myself spending almost as much time at as I do at rinkworks. I'll try to do better.
Did I ever tell you that you made Chris and Rhonda the happiest two people in Tennessee? They still start most sentences with, "When I was in California..." Rhonda came from a family that didn't travel. She was in her mid 20's and married before she ever saw the local airport.
I just heard on TV that your area was in for some Santa Anna winds. If you go outside, put rocks in your pockets.
Willette says Hi.