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Re: Why Stephen sucks, why I rule, and why Thief II will ROCK!
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 22:16:15
In Reply To: Re: Why Stephen sucks, why I rule, and why Thief II will ROCK! posted by Dave on Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 20:24:19:

> > Wolf3D wasn't really the first FPS, but we'll
> >overlook it.
> I knew one of you anal-retentive types would call me on that. Wolf3D is the first one everyone remembers, so it might as well have been the first.

Bah. If you're going to just randomly pick one to be first, say Doom since that's the *important* one (IMO Doom remains the single most influential PC game of all time).

> > Err... what about Half-Life? Generally HL is
> >considered to be one of the best shooters of all
> >time, and offers a helluva lot more than just
> >"Shoot anything that moves". Incidentally, HL
> >and Thief were released in the same year if
> >memory serves, and HL won more than like 40 "Game
> >of the Year" awards from major publications.
> Whee. Everyone knows Half-Life is named after the people who bought it. They only have half a life--they're searching desperatly for the other half.


> I replayed the first level of Thief (which is essentialy the Demo level Stephen played). I was able to kill half a dozen guards with one arrow shot each. It wasn't even *hard*--not even as hard as I myself have made it out to be. I shot them in the face, in the back, in the chest, in the neck, in the head--they died. The secret? I was close enough to make sure my shots would hit their upper body and not their damn kneecaps, and I snuck up so they were unaware of my precense. And they dropped like newborn birds from a nest. Go try it yourself if you don't believe me--just whip out your bow and take out that drunk guard right at the beginning. It's simple. Then kill his buddy as he comes around the corner, before he sees the body and starts looking for you.

Tell you what - in the interest of fairness I'll redownload the demo this week and play it through again and see if maybe I wasn't off my rocker about this. A friend of mine reported the exact same stuff I did though (after the demo) so I don't know. Perhaps it was stuff that was fixed in the final version of the game (was the demo released before the retail? I don't know myself... have you applied any patches to your copy of the game?)

> >
> > Alternatively, go play System Shock 2 which runs
> >the Thief engine and was developed by the same
> >company and offers many of the same things. It
> >has the bonus of having a ruling RPG/character
> >devlopment system but suffers from the drawback
> >that it's far too hard and complex for Dave (who
> >apparently got confused by the menus).
> Bah! I defy you to show me that so-called "map" button. :-P
> -- Dave

Okay, since it's obviously a terribly difficult thing to find (being that the label is the very deceptive word "map") I've made you a picture. See the link below.


Link: Look here Dave

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