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Adventures with Marvin
Posted By: Marvin, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 08:28:13

Well, I bet you're all wondering what I've done the past two days (otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this), so I'll tell you. I went to the cites to see my relatives with my sisters. Well, just so you know, I'm about to go into great detail of what I did Sunday and Monday. Just a warning...

Well, I got packed up and on the road by 12:30, to meet my uncle just outside the Twin Cities at about 2:30. I was driving his convertable down there so he could sell it. :) I was about to enter the interstate and I almost got run over by a semi who refused to slow down for me. I had to practically stop so that he could pass. We eventually caught up to him and wrote down the number to complain at his driving. So, moving on...

We eventually got to the meeting point and stopped at a bank so we could meet them. But my uncle couldn't seem to find us. So we waited. At about 3, he finally showed up. It turns out there are three exits to this one little town, and we were at the last one they checked. So now we're on our way again. We stop on a mall on the way, but find there aren't any shops we want to go to. We were planning on going to the Minnesota Timberwolves game, which started at 5:30, but we wanted to be there by 5, and by this time, it was 4:00. So we figured we could stop and get a bite to eat quick. Unfortunatly, by the time we got our food, it was 4:50. While everyone else was quickly eating their food and getting it to go, I ate my 8 inch pizza in a little under 10 minuets. So I was hungry.

By the time we got to the Target Center and got our tickets, the game had already started. So we looked at our tickets, section 221, row X, and tried to find our seats. As we were looking, I noticed that the rows only went up to X. So, as soon as we found our seats, we were seated at the very top row. Sure, we were center court, but...

Besides that, it was a pretty good game. We managed to bring a few binoculars so we could see the action. We won in overtime, I think the final score was 107-101. We decieded to go down to the main loby while my uncle returned the binoculars. So we waited. And waited. Twenty minuets later, he shows up outside some how. So now one of my sisters and my aunt are going to my aunt's house, and my two uncles, my other sister, and me are going to go to Schinders, so I can buy some cards.

After we get to my aunt's house after I buy some cards, we watch some of the Acadamy Awards. It was about 9:30 by this time.I was half asleep at the time, so I don't remember much. I managed to stay up and watch what was left of the awards, although I really should have gone to asleep right when I got there. But I decided to watch the Acadamy Awards instead. So finally, at 11:30, we got to bed. Turns out I have to sleep in the basement on some air pads. So I don't get much sleep that night. I fianlly roll out of bed about 9:30 the next morning and get ready for the rest of the day.

So, here's the plan for Monday: go to a coffee shop, go to the sculture garden, go to the Science Museum, and then go home. So at 10:30, we head off to the coffee shop. We eat some breakfast, and then its off to the scultpure garden. I didn't think too much of the sculture garden, because I went there with my art class last year. So now we're headed to the new Science Museum. I thought the building was nice, but I think I've been there one too many times now, so I got bored there. So we finally leave the science museum at 3:30. We have to meet my parents halfway home at 5:30. So we meet my parents, and we stop at another town to go furniture shopping. Oh boy, I'm so overjoyed. I don't want to go home and sleep or anything. But we leave for home again at 9:00 at get home by 10:00.

Well, overall, it was pretty fun. So, Sam, now that you've seen all that we have in Minnesota, we should definently have RinkUnion 2002 up here in Minnesota :)

Mar "Man, that took a long time to write" vin