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Re: Stealing? Not really.
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 06:42:19
In Reply To: Stealing? posted by gabby on Monday, March 27, 2000, at 22:15:57:

> At a public water fountain, it is customary for people to toss in coins and make a wish. Everyone realizes that it's superstition--they don't actually think it will make their wish come true. They simply do it for fun.
> Basically, I reached in and took the quarters I saw. I told my father and he said it was wrong of me to do so, that I was taking something that did not belong to me.
> I immediately noted to him that the city would have to hire someone to clean the fountain otherwise, and the wages would cost more than was earned through the fountain. I also commented that the fountain was an antique, and the small drains could easily be clogged, or that the upper basins could easily be chipped. After I said so, though, I wondered if I was just rationalizing.
> And so, I come to the point: I would appreciate some thoughts on this.
> gab"A minor dilemma if ever there was one"by

I'd say that it's ok to take some of the coins if you need/want them, as long as you leave enough for other people too, plus enough so that the bottom of the fountain still looks cool. I've taken 16 pennies from a public fountain before becasue I need that much more to pay for a $120 item (and the clerk wouldn't let me get away with 16 cents).

Therefore, I think that pools ae more like 'give a penny, leave a penny' deals where it's ok to take some, as long as you don't take too much

-Ka"And that's my 16 cents"z!

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