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Re: Sleep Deprivation.
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 03:52:46
In Reply To: Re: Sleep Deprivation. posted by BurgerKing on Monday, March 27, 2000, at 07:43:49:

> I don't hear music... I just hear voices saying my name in a slightly raised voices. What is really strange is how easily captivated by mundane things I become, as I'll stare things like water trickling down a drain, the contours of my hand, or a light fixture for minutes. Weird kaleidoscopeic images also flash before my eyes... but only when I'm extremely tired.
> Burger"Well, I hope it's the sleep deprivation"King

Yeah, no fair, I don't hear classical music either... unless I've left the CD player on repeat again and been too groggy to shut it off. Although it does happen occasionally when I'm not sleep-deprived (those are rare occasions, I tell you)... in which case I just start singing it. I figure people already think I'm weird; singing bits and pieces of the masterworks of the Baroque era is not going to affect anyone's opinion of me by much.

The only thing that really happens to me when I get sleep-deprived is that ny typoing hetss slopyyy.. O'm sually s gfoood sopperllr, do fsddf fdjjkdfffffsssss t ay44455c sdghj ds s

-Fob" 'insomnia is my middle name' is my middle name"ulis