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Re: My day
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Monday, March 13, 2000, at 16:07:16
In Reply To: My day posted by ShadowClerk on Monday, March 13, 2000, at 15:59:49:

> My day started out quite nicely, with me getting to read my favorite book for a full hour. But, what goes up must come down, and this day came down hard.
> It started in my science/math block. You see, I had a presentation today. The presentation is the final act of a rather cruel play entitled "Grade Eight Cross-Curricular Project". The next worst part is that we didn't get to choose our group members. And, in cold logic, the teachers decided that since if we worked with people we liked, we would talk and not do work. I can understand that. So, the teachers thought that placing us with people we *don't* like would make us function well, because they figured that since we would hate each other, we would do nothing but work. Big, super-sized mistake there. Our group did nothing but bicker, argue, and insult each other. The only friend I had in the group was (luckily) someone I could work with rationally. The other three members of my group showed nothing on getting it right, and when we did our map, they refused to listen about how to coordinate the colors on the map for the altitude. Guess what mark we got. It won't be more than a C, I'll tell you that. Plus, theses people *really* screwed up the model. The only thing they did well on it was getting the paint and making the water. But almost everyone that walked by seemed to defile our model in some way. First, it was people poking the artificial water, and leaving big marks in it. Then some total asses decided that they could rip stuff off and throw it around the room. I'm big for my age, but I'm not one to get into fights, and these kids don't respond to verbal cues. They don't seem to have evolved fully. So our map is incorrect, and our model is practically ruined. What a month.
> Now, for today. As my horridly assembled group tried to practice our presentation, this one person started yelling at me for something I didn't have. She called me some things that I can't repeat here. Then, some time later, another person who had been there the whole time cut in to say it was in her locker. I said some nasty things to both of them.
> Now, for the presentation. That went off well, I think. The teachers seemed to like it. The one thing that injured the presentation was the same person who yelled at me saying "That's the end of our presentation, we hoped you liked hearing it as much as we did making it" every time someone stopped speaking.
> After that, my day was fine.
> One thing that continually puzzles me is that these kids feel like they have to act like a bimbo (you'd have to see it) from a movie, or, for the boys, Adam Sandler. My school day is like a bad movie about breasts and fart jokes.
> Shadow"Recluse"Clerk

Ah High School, I remeber it well. All I can say is grit you teath and bear it, get good grades, and get yourself into a good college. Brainless people do get into college, but you will definitly find the ration of brainless students and real students shifts. Also the teaches are less meddlesome in college.
