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Re: Golden Raspberry Awards announced...
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2000, at 09:37:18
In Reply To: Golden Raspberry Awards announced... posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, February 15, 2000, at 09:03:49:

FP's choices:

Worst Picture of 1999

I've just heard how painful this movie was. People said that _End of Days_ was bad, but I wasn't warned away so strongly from _The Haunting_ as I was from any other movie this year.

Worst Actor of 1999
Adam Sandler/BIG DADDY

A month before this was released, I was bushwacked in a shopping mall by a dude with a clipboard. Got to see a workprint of the trailer and asked my thoughts on it. Well. Adam's just hit-or-miss, you know? _The Wedding Singer_ was good stuff. Unfortunately, Adam Sandler seems to make a lot of _Billy Madison_s.

Worst Actress of 1999
Catherine Zeta-Jones/ENTRAPMENT and THE HAUNTING

One of the main reasons I was warned away from _The Haunting_. I understand she wears some slinky black leather thing through most of _Entrapment_, but whenever she opens her mouth, ugh.

Worst Screen Couple of 1999
Sean Connery & Catherine Zeta-Jones/ENTRAPMENT

She: mid-twenties. He: mid-sixties. They make out. Ew.

Worst Supporting Actress of 1999

Oh man, urg. Combine a not-so-good actress with horrible dialogue, and this is what you get.

Worst Supporting Actor of 1999
Jar-Jar Binks (Voice by Ahmed Best), STAR WARS: EPISODE I, THE PHANTOM MENACE

I'm going to have to go with J.J. Binks on this one. The Razzie folks are going to have a backlash over _Star Wars_ just the same way the Academy went ga-ga over _Titanic_. Note the number of nominations for _Star Wars_ in the 1999 categories.

Worst Director of 1999

One, it's Jan deBont, the mastreo who brought us _Speed 2: Cruise Control_, _Basic Instinct_, and _Leonard Part 6_. As stated above, I was warned away from several films this year, but never so passionately as for _The Haunting_.

Worst Screenplay of 1999
WILD WILD WEST by Jim Thomas & John Thomas, S.S. Wilson & Brent Maddock and Jeffrey Price & Peter S. Seaman

Any movie that has that many writers is going to be a hodge-podge of a script. See all those "and"s? That doesn't mean they were working together, kids.

-Faux "now for the Oscars" Pas