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Re: Ok, here's the deal... Names
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2000, at 19:34:02
In Reply To: Ok, here's the deal... posted by Dracimas on Tuesday, February 1, 2000, at 06:24:32:

> I am going to start a small, home based PC service center. It will be the usual service center stuff as far as repair/upgrades are concerned. Until I build a clientel I *will* have to buy parts retail from a couple of local venders, which means little to no profits on parts, but I *will* have the lowest labor rates in Tahlequah. It helps since this is extra income and not my sole meens of survival.
> What I am asking my RinkWorks friends (and outside of my family here at home, you're the only ones I'm asking) is help with a name for the business. I have a couple of options I'm milling around that I kind of like, but also want to hear what you all can come up with. The only thing I ask that you keep in mind is phonebook placement. Keep the first letter of the name within the first 3-5 letters of the alphabet so the ad in the phonebook is near the top.
> What I have so far is "A+ PC Services", which I don't really like and "Alpha-Omega PC Services" with the slogan "Your first and last source for PC repair", which I do like.
> I'd appreciate any help you can lend.
> Drac "Entrepreneur" imas

(-: Well, here's my 2¢... Alphanumeric type of aliases might go well in the phone book, but IMHO, they don't do well as business names. They're too undistinguished to remember properly... and my husband gets most of his computer business by word-of-mouth anyway. Dracimas, what you need is a name that inspires confidence, and gives an aura of professionalism which is just "that" much greater than the competition's. For example,

Aza Technologies -- goes well with your slogan
Config Systems (Config.sys)
Cyber Experts
Dynamix Integral
Expert PC Pro

That should get you started. Hey, what are "reasonable" labour rates for computer repair and upgrading, down Stateside. At least for your competition, anyway.
