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Basketball related, and important
Posted By: Finchplucker, on host
Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000, at 18:35:54

Okay, not important as in life or death.
This is rather interesting, actually.

On Saturday we had a game against our second
biggest rivals, University, and they are the only
team ahead of us in division play. We were tied
for first before the game. I was pumped and ready
to go, as I hoped everyone else was. Coach always
tells us that when we come to any basketball
related thing, practice or game, we should be
ready to practice, with our heads in it. Well,
the practices we had before the game were during
finals, and everyone was thinking, of course,
about finals. So practices that week were
terrible. Coach warned us, but we figured that we
would be ready, I mean, it's University, biggest
game of the season so far.
Well, Saturday came, right after Friday, as
it often does. I got there an hour and a half
early, and shot around. I had to take the bus,
you see. Our point guard showed up stoned, but
that didn't seem to affect him. We were pumped
for the tip, and right away University got out to
a 10-0 lead on us. We weren't doing anything
right. Not to put myself up, but I was the only
one who realized that they would release two guys
on every rebound and score a layup. Nobody got
back on defense. Well, the halftime score was
33-7. The final score was 62-20. Nobody on our
team believed that having a bad practice befroe a
game could possibly affect our ability in the
game. Coach ripped us a new one in the locker
room after the game. I was so pissed at the team
tthat I couldn't stop swearing. It seemed that
everyone was doing everything wrong.
I'm not saying that I'm the only one on the
team who can play basketball. I just get so
frustrated with some of the things that our
players do. Some of the mental errors are
incredible when you stop to think about them. I
won't even go into them. Also, my friend was
there, and he agreed that our coach was really not
great. He should've realized this, and done that
to counter it. He should have switched defense
here. He should have run this here. And so on.
But he didn't say anything. All he did was tell
us that we didn't want it enough. Oh, beleive me,
I wanted it, and on Tuesday, when we host our
rival, Branson, I swear we will rip them apart,
put them back together and rip them apart again.
I can't wait.
And we will have a good practice Monday.

Finchplucker #12, but in a 4-30 shooting slump
(about), and pissed about it.

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