Re: Entertainment, Georgia style.
Howard, on host
Sunday, January 23, 2000, at 13:04:30
Entertainment, Georgia style. posted by Howard on Sunday, January 23, 2000, at 13:01:16:
> Just back from yet another trip to Georgia. While we were there, they had a total lunar eclipse and a Georgia-style ice storm. All for our entertainment, of course. I slept through parts of both, but still saw enough to be entertained. > This morning the cable TV went kput, so we booted up the computer to check road conditions. That's how we found out that the phone didn't work. About that time the power winked a few times and went off. We waited until about 11 am to start home. At that time the gas and water were still on so they will survive. I guess falling limbs don't bother underground pipes. > On the way home we saw flattened pine trees, sagging power lines and wrecked trailer trucks. The trees looked like glass, but the roads were (are you ready for this!) clear and dry! Stopped for lunch and got home to a little snow and working utilities. Even short trips are an adventure. > Howard
Just a postscript. My daughter was working a flight from Washington to Paris and got to see the eclipse from above the clouds over the Atlantic. Talk about a ring-side seat! H