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Re: I'm *not*Changing my name & I wish other people would stop.
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, January 14, 2000, at 06:34:51
In Reply To: Re: I'm *not*Changing my name & I wish other people would stop. posted by Rivikah on Thursday, January 13, 2000, at 18:53:11:

> > I have a friend (well, I guess he is.. I haven't talked to him in a better part of a year, but we didn't have a falling out or anything, we just haven't been in contact.) whose name is Bud. It's on his birth certificate as such. He's named after his father whose *nickname* is Bud. He's never mentioned the "My Buddy" trama as you've endured though. His whole family is big on nicknames, he's got a cousin who goes by 'Bic', I believe, but that's not her name; it's actually a nickname for another nickname which has nothing to do with her real name.
> >
> > Odd, Huh?
> >
> > Tra "our cat's name is Facetious, but we call her Seesh (you have to spell it phonetically, because if you just say 'Cet' or 'Ceti', it's just not quite the same)" nio
> Odd? I don't know. It sounds kind of like my family. We all have weird nicknames mostly coming down through a long chain. I'm called Bea, my brother's 'Im, my sister's Jeaner, my mom Mommer, and my dad D (that's it just one letter)
> It really confuses peopel when I try to talk about my family.
> And don't ask where any of those came from the trail is long and convoluted and I don't remember
> Rivikah

My grandfather was anti-nickname. He had eight kids and called them by their correct name. The Only exception was the youngest, my Uncle Jimmy. His name, naturally, was James and my grandfather sometimes called him Jamie, That was the only exception. My sister carried on the tradition with four kids named for English kings and queens.
No nicknames allowed!