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Re: I'm *not*Changing my name & I wish other people would stop
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000, at 12:35:22
In Reply To: Re: I'm *not*Changing my name & I wish other people would stop posted by Howard on Thursday, January 13, 2000, at 12:20:14:

> > > I know how you feel Howard. People haven't really gotten my name wrong, but it really confuses people to meet someone named Buddy. "Yes Buddy is my given name. It's on my birth certificate and everything. I *know* that Buddy is usually a nickname, but not with me." Why is that such a hard concept to grasp.
> > >
> > > And another thing. That &%$# My Buddy doll is satan in red overalls! The stupid doll came out when I was a kid. It had the same name as me. And to make matters worse, it looked just like I did. Same color hair, same hair cut. Same face shape, everything! I had to live with that stupid song day in and day out for years. I vowed to never own one, and I never did.
> > >
> > > Drac "My me, my me, wherever I go, I go" imas
> >
> > Then Drac, you'll be ecstatic to know that until this very moment I had never ever heard of a doll named Buddy, nor what it looks like, nor that it came with a stupid song. Aren't you glad?
> >
> > Wolf "though Dave's cousin does have a jumpy dog called (you know what)!" spirit
> Is Dave's cousin a tall, grey-haired guy who lives at 1600 Pennsyl...Naw, couldn't be. Lots of people have a dog named....Aw, forget it.
> H

No, Dave's cousin is a tall, dark, handsome dude with slightly-curled black hair and a dazzling smile, and he looks like a movie star. Really. Nobody else ever looks like that! He carves and paints fancy, custom-relief wooden signs and posts, where he inlays the letters with gold leaf. They're really quite beautiful. And the dog ought to be called Friendly instead.