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Re: No subject
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2000, at 17:33:50
In Reply To: No subject posted by famous on Wednesday, January 12, 2000, at 15:24:12:

> I'm back.
> You're probably thinking, "I didn't know she went anywhere", but I did. Well, kinda. I'm house-sitting for a friend, and so I'm technically away from my normal place. Anyway, I've been reading the posts, but haven't had time to respond to them, and I definitely haven't had time to get on chat. Let me tell you about what's going on right now....
> "Adventures with famous" (hehe...)
> First of all, do you remember the post I made sometime right after Christmas about getting a hubcap? Well, if not, go back and read it. ;) Anyway, the day I was packing to leave home I looked at my car and another hubcap was missing. I was so mad! It's a different hubcap, so it's not like I didn't put the other one on right. This is the fourth time I've lost a hubcap. I was a little suspicious of my friends, seeing as how they are always joking about taking them, but I'm pretty sure none of them did it, so it must be my terrible driving. (Or just my piece of crap car!) I think I'm going to replace this one, but if another one falls off after that, I'm just going to take them all off. There's no point in wasting money.
> I also started back up to school this week. We all know what a pain that could be, but it's always a bigger pain for me. First of all, my friend and I try to get the same classes because we travel together and it makes it much easier (and less costly) on us. There was one class he got in, and I didn't, so I had to try to force add the class. I don't know if you all are familiar with that, but it's a pain in the butt... at least at my school. I had to go on-line and fill out a force-add form, and basically beg them into letting me in the class. It's dumb because I should've gotten it in the first place. Anyway, I won't know for sure until tomorrow, but the teacher seems to think that it won't be a problem. So that made me happy...
> BUT it would be *too* easy if that was all that happened. When we got into class the Prof. started in on the course and the prerequisites that were needed. Now, no other class I've ever had has really cared about the prereq.'s, but this one did. Well anyway, one of them was Calc. 2, which I've (thankfully) taken and passed already. However, my friend has not. So then he had to convince her of the fact that he could do the math and he also has to write a letter of petition in order to stay in the class. I just don't understand why this college is out to get us, but I'm pretty sure it is. Ugh. (The class is Deterministic Systems, in case you were wondering.)
> Other than that stuff, though, life is very good right now. My business is taking off fairly quickly. In order to get startup money we are building computers for people. Since we have a vendor's license we get parts at wholesale. It's a nice setup. We built two over the weekend and have orders for 3 more, which may or may not sound like a lot to you, but to us, that's great. I'm getting more and more excited.
> I haven't been here for a while mainly because of the combination of business and school. It's not the greatest reason, but I do have a life that has to go on. I know you've all come to this point at one time or another and had to get away for a while. Anyway, I should be back to my normal posting soon. And that's it for my adventures. I am going to add a couple of things here just for the sake of answering some posts. Bear with me.
> Dave: Congrat's again on the job! I think it's wonderful and sounds like a promising experience.
> Morris: I like the new name. But, I really hope you didn't change it just because a few people around here complained. I think you should be whatever you want to be. Personally, I liked the name, but eric sleator is good too, and I'm also not a fan of capitalizing the name! I never do it myself.
> SpiderBoy: Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your break and it's good to have your presence back on the forum. And I like the new name for you too. Speedball rocks!
> Sam: You rule!
> Everyone else: Hey to you all too! I am going to try to be back on here more, but give me time to adjust to school.
> I hope this hasn't gone on for too long, but since I read EVERY post on this forum, I'm sure it didn't kill you to read one of mine. :)
> famous

Your post sounds like a letter from home! Seriously, back when there was no email, if someone was away from home, they got letters like that. I got them from my sisters or my mother and even answered them. The best ones were the ones with a check inside. Can't post those on a forum!

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