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Re: Capitalization
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at 14:15:15
In Reply To: Re: Capitalization posted by ladadadada on Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at 14:00:19:

> That percentage was what kept me coming back too
>(and of course the humour). It is especially
>noticeable in the chat room. Other chat rooms
>use crappy truncations like "ppl" for people and
>"grrl" for girl (acceptable when used for humour
>purposes, no offence Grace(see the self chat
>archive)) and my personal pet hate: "kewl"
>instead of cool.

Ok, so how is "grrl" easier/better to type than "girl"? They're the same number of letters...

I also hate that "a/s/l" thing that a few people have tried on RinkChat. It took me a bit to ponder what that could *possibly* mean.

I tried to use "kul" for "cool" awhile back, but I quit doing it because A) It was stupid and 2) People kept thinking I was saying "cull"

> Any way, keep up the good grammar.
> lada(if yoda a great Jedi master he be, why a
>good sentence can no he construct?)dada

Good grammar need we not. Only the Force, need we.

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