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This stinks.
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Friday, January 7, 2000, at 17:56:55

Here's a nice story from the newspaper today, for the benefit of those of you who think NZ is some sort of paradise.

A tourist visiting Auckland was caught importing enough illegal drugs to normally bring a maximum of 14 years' imprisonment. The result? Name suppression and release without conviction. The judge summed up with these memorable words: "Enjoy the fresh air. Our harbour is a wonderful place and I'm sure you're out there enjoying it. Don't let anything get in the way of you and the atmosphere."

Oh, I forgot to mention the tourist was a billionaire overseas businessman, and made an entirely voluntary major donation (also unspecified) to a drug rehabilitation programme after he was caught. And here's a little quote from his lawyer to media representatives: "Don't try anything cute because we'll sue the arse off you and he has the money to do it."

Everything about this revolts my entire soul. I'd say I'd like to move to a previous century, but I have a suspicion that human nature has never really been any different. It's just that the media coverage has got so much better.

Brunnen-"feeling nasty and cynical"G

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