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Re: Mayonaise is disgusting.
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2000, at 15:41:21
In Reply To: Re: Mayonaise is disgusting. posted by famous on Tuesday, January 4, 2000, at 15:19:13:

Ouch...It proves the "How to be funny" article is true...Pain is funny

Ti(I posted at the top of the message just to make famous mad)cia

> I have two pet peeves. One is people who post responses at the top of messages. This thoroughly upsets me. I'm all about order, and this just doesn't seem right. Second is a sincere hatred for pointless posts. I can't take it when people post for no reason. And I especially hate it when they come right out and tell you that's what they are going to do.
> fam 'hehe' ous
> > How about this...
> > I hate it when people pronounce Nuclear wrong...they say Nucular. Grrr. And they say calvary, instead of in "Here comes the calvary" Calvary is a place, not a group of good guys coming to save the day! Bad grammer and pronunciation in general are my pet peeves, I guess.
> >
> > Ti(boy, this is fun)cia
> >
> > > `Dancing monkies' are a peev! When I say `Dancing Monkies' I mean the students who some how manage to get the f word between every two words, including thare speaking of the f word!
> > >
> > > I was hoping that Y2K might effect stupidity the way it might have effected computers, but instead they merly got an upgrade, compleate with fire & fireworks... On a bus for heavons sake!!
> > >
> > > Milokp,
> > > a-s-f-g...Foo-Bar
> > > > There is really no point to this message. I just want to see how long a chain I can form.
> > > > I hate mayonaise, with a vengance. I would rather drown in a fool of human waste than ingest mayonaise.
> > > > I become nauseous just writing about it.
> > > > Help me out with my chain. Do you have a pet peeve? Or just a pointless, barely coherant rant?
> > > > Let the world no how you feel.

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