T-t-that's all folks (read this one)
Byron, on host
Friday, December 31, 1999, at 10:45:20
Since the world is gonna end at midnight today, I just wanted to say a few final goodbyes to the Rinkforum regulars.
Unipeg, finally I find someone as sexy as me. Let's hope you're not horribly mutated by the nuclear fallout
Howard, your wisdom and experiences touched us all.
Famous, cuz I still don't know whether you're a man or woman.
Sam, j0o own us you l33t haX0r, we ph33r you
Spider-Boy, cuz you remind us all of the more innocent times when we were comic fans (it blows my mind when I opened a Wizard for the first time in 5 years to discover there's a Spider-girl!)
Brunnen, cuz you never realized the futility in arguing with me cuz I'm NEVER wrong. :-)
Darien, cuz you're on my AIM buddy list but I have no idea who or what you are.
Chris, cuz I guys' names on girls are SO sexy. Where'd ya go?!
Faux Pas, cuz I always mentally pronounce your name Fox Pass.
And to the rest who I may have forgotten.
Ladies and gentlemen (and famous), the world is about to end. I bid you adieu