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Personality Inventories
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Thursday, December 30, 1999, at 17:30:20
In Reply To: Personality tests posted by codeman38 on Monday, December 27, 1999, at 22:04:53:

> Fobulis and I are curious: How many of you have taken a psychological personality test such as the Myers-Briggs (or similar)?
> For those who have, go ahead and post the results you got in the forum...or email them to me...or something.
> And for those who haven't, I've linked one of the better-known personality tests-- the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-- below. Take it, if you're bored and have nothing better to do...
> -- codeman"INTP"38

Finally, I got around to taking some of these assessors and it's WAY COOLER than reading a horoscope -- The self-descriptors make a lot more sense :-). Thanks for putting up the links, codeman.

It was interesting that quite a few of the questions were of the "How might someone else describe you" type. It was also strange -- depending on the person I imagined answering that question, the response would be different. Maybe that's why I couldn't get the Keirsey to give me the same result twice. E-Extrovert, I-Introvert, S-Sensation, N-Intuition, T-Thinking, F-Feeling, J-Judging, P-Perceiving, arggh! Would anyone care to take a guess at the 3 different personality types that the Keirey II determined that I am?
