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Serious, much more serious than usual.
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, December 24, 1999, at 13:07:06

It's a sad thing that we are all more or less assuming that the New Year will be literally a blast. We hear that terrorists are planning to blow something up, and we all wonder where. They probably won't get me, because I am out here in the woods with very few people around and that's where I'll ring in the New Year. But I can't help wonder where. Where will they hit? Money couldn't buy my presence in Times Square, NY,NY.
Even Las Vegas, a favorite of mine, is on my stay away list. I won't even go to Knoxville and certainly not Oak Ridge. I doubt if I could think like a terrorist, but tall towers like the ones in New York, the Seattle Space Needle and the big one in Vegas are places that cross my mind. I'm sure the authorities are better at supposin' than I am. I just hope they nip it, as Barney said, in the bud.

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