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Goodbye forever...
Posted By: Finchplucker, on host
Date: Monday, December 20, 1999, at 21:58:50

Actually, not forever at all, unless there
really is an Armagedden, and that could be pretty
cool. Anyway, over the past month or two, many of
you have gotten to know me as Finchplucker, the
rapper, or Finchplucker, the high school student
who hates the inflation in education, or the
basketballer #12, and other such personalities. I
have never used alter egos or different names,
except my first post in which I used my real name.
I don't know what any of that had to do with the
message here, but it was poetic, so it's okay,

Here's the thing, I'm leaving wednesday at 0430
(What does the "O" stand for? Oh my god it's
early!!) for Costa Rica, and I will be staying
there until January 3, when I will return at
night. I would just like to wish all of you who I
will not see before then a happy holiday season,
happy birthdays(I know some of you celebrate
birthdays over the break), Merry christmas, happy
anniversary, and whatever else you might
celebrate. Hey, what would be cool is if you guys
all e-mailed my while I was gone, like, good
wishes and such, or if Dave e-mailed me some
noodle glop.

Well anyways, happy holidays everyone, don't get
too trashed on new year's eve!


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