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Re: neighbors
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Monday, December 20, 1999, at 12:38:00
In Reply To: Re: immmm back!!!! posted by Mel on Friday, December 17, 1999, at 18:23:36:

> > > Actually it rained for two days at Sunriver. It is in eastern Oregon. The Jacuzzi made me dizzy!;)
> >
> > I'm quite curious, Mel. Where abouts do you live? I only ask because I live within driving distance from Sunriver. In fact, I've been out to the Bend/Redmond area several times. I'm on the other side of the mountains, in the city of roses.
> >
> > Tra "are we neighbors?" nio
> I live in Western Washington; about two hours away from Portland. So in a sense we are neighbors, at least when you consider how far away most of the other Rinkworkers are.
> -M"replying to this post way too late, but I didn't notice it till now"el

That's okay, I won't hold it against you. After all you have to deal with the horrors of sales tax, outrageous car registration fees, and pumping your own gas. So, with those awful conditioning forces, you're allowed extra time. Unless, you live in a house with a view of the Gorge, then it's inexcusable. But rest assured that you'll have my envy.

Tra "We pay for it in property taxes, though." nio

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