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Re: Stories
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 14, 1999, at 07:51:27
In Reply To: Re: Stories posted by Balanthalus on Monday, December 13, 1999, at 20:21:43:

> > Everybody is sending in the stories they wrote. I started to send in some of mine, but I realized that the rejection slips were funnier, better written and more ficticious. So I scrapped the whole idea.
> > Howard
> *Sigh* I once started on a fantasy novel. It was good, I had a killer prolouge and opening chapter, as well as and idea for a great ending. Unfortunately, just as Chapter 4 was getting well developed and I was ready to start Chapter 5, the hard drive crashed and I didn't have it on a floppy. I was never able to start it again; mostly because I'm lazy, but partially because the first words I wrote will always be the "right" words, and any attempt to rewrite it will fall short of the original.
> Bal "random antecdote, anyone?" anthalus

Back when I was a regular on GEnie (in the land of 14.4 modems -- oh, only the elite had those new-fangled 28.8ers), I was a member in a roleplaying game on the AD&D roundtable. The GM vanished just as we started and I (and one other player) wound up just writing the most hilarious stories about the characters. It read something like Harvard Lampoon's "Bored of the Rings" book. I remember we were threatened by the Dreaded Knight of Shish-Kabob who impaled himself on his spiky Planescapesque armor after falling off his horse...

Man, I wish I had kept a copy of that story somewhere.

-Faux "I played a thief named Janus Gilliard, who was disguised as a fighter/adventurer type" Pas