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well OK you asked
Posted By: shadowfax, on host
Date: Thursday, December 9, 1999, at 23:36:26
In Reply To: My Beliefs posted by Kelly on Wednesday, December 8, 1999, at 12:09:59:

> I believe that my children deserve a better life than I've had.

Why? What makes them more deserving of happiness than you?

> I believe that you can never have too many friends.

On the contrary, you can. Let's say you have 10 friends. You have $200 to spend on them for Christmas presents. That means an average of $20 per friend. Now let's say you suddenly become Ms. Popularity and get 1,000 friends. Suddenly, you have $5 to spend per friend. The quality of your gifts goes down, making you feel guilty, which could result in the friendships being strained, all because you have (say it with me) too many friends.

> I believe that the designated hitter is a crime against humanity.

Ahhh yes, the DH is certainly up there with Hitler and Mussolini. ;)

> I believe in evolution, but that a higher power had a hand in it.

As we've proven in the other thread, we can argue this all day, therefore i won't bother here.

> I believe that individuals are smart, but crowds are dumb.

And crowds of individuals are? Define a crowd? 20 people? More than that collaborated to develop the Internet, which took quite a lot of intelligence!

> I believe that Michael Jordan is the best basketball player of all time.

All time suggests time both past and present. As humans continue to develop physically, and as advanced materials allow for springier shoes, there will doubtless be a basketball player that is better than Jordan, eventually.

> I believe that children get away with a lot because they're cute.

I have an example to argue against this one. The people who used to live across the street from me had 2 kids. They got away with literally everything. They were the ugliest kids I've ever seen. Nuff said.

> I believe that we all have great potential. It's the living up to it that's hard.

Not all of us have great potential. Those with an IQ lower than 40 generally do not have it.

> I believe that Werther's candy is the best candy in the world.

Best is what is known as a "weasel word" in the advertising business. A weasel will take an egg and make a very small hole in it. He'll suck the egg out through the hole and replace the hollow shell so noone's the wiser. Best is a hollow word because legally to be best, something only has to be AS GOOD AS another product. For example, Crest says they're the best toothpaste. They can do that because they're AS GOOD AS colgate, AIM, and all the others. Saying Werther's candy is the BEST is only saying that it's as good as some other candy, which really isn't saying very much at all, now is it?

> I believe that Jaffa's rank a close second. (Thanks, Brunnen-G!)

If saying something is the best isn't saying much at all, then what is saying something is second best? Really now!

> I believe that there will never be peace in the Middle East in my lifetime.

This is an opinion not based on any fact. You do not know how long you will live, therefore you cannot predict what will happen in your lifetime. Especially since a lot can change in 50 years.

> I believe that the Knicks will never win a championship with Patrick Ewing.

I believe you are wrong. (*grin*)

> I believe that I'm a good father.

to present this argument, you must define good. (especially since good is another weasel word!)

> I believe that life is way too short to worry about trivial things.

you must define short, way, too, trivial, and of course the word "is" just for Clinton's edification.

> I believe that my children should be given more opportunities than I had.

Again, what makes them more deserving of good things than you? Are you a bad person?

> I believe that I stink at Tetris.

You must define stink. Many people think they stink if they do worse than one person.

> I believe that NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory must be staffed with monkeys.

Photo evidence proves you wrong.

> I believe that laughter is the best medicine.

Laughter will not cure strep, staph, planter's warts, or herpes. Other medicines will. Therefore, laughter is not the best medicine.

> I believe that people don't hug enough anymore.

Hugging can be a precursor to abuse. Hugging must be closely monitored.

> I believe that no matter what happens to me or where I end up in life, I will strive to be happy.

Yet you say you want more for your children than you do for yourself, which will invariably require personal sacrifice, which will erode happiness.

> There! Argue with that. :-)

I did. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarilly those of the author. The author was merely following instructions.

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