Re: Why bass guitars are better
Mousie, on host
Thursday, December 9, 1999, at 10:10:16
Why bass guitars are better posted by Dave on Thursday, December 9, 1999, at 09:36:47:
> Nobody else wants to play them. > You can play whatever you want, you'll get drowned out in the mix anyway. > Nobody cares what the bass guitar is playing. > Tune low enough and turn the amp high enough and you can injure small animals. > All the best bass parts are played on the synthesizer anyway. > The lower you go, the cooler you sound. > Go low enough, and dogs start barking in rhythem > Buy a fretless bass, and you never have to tune it. > Turn the treble way up on your amp, play on the high strings with heavy distortion and wha, and you almost don't sound like a bassist trying to imitate a guitarist. > Break a bass string, and you *know* you're a man. > Nobody remembers your name. > You get to explain to people what that "funny looking four-string guitar" is. > Only Paul McCartney could play one of those Beatle-basses and make it sound good. > Two words: Cliff Burton
You forgot: Groupies like to sit on the bass amps.
Mou"met the bass player from Sugar Ray last month -- woo hoo"sie