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by request, Hashing
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 1999, at 19:07:41

Hashing is a combination running/drinking game invented by some very silly Brittish people, that has become a world wide phenomena.


Hasher- one who hashes

FNG- Fine New Guy, has an R rated translation as well, a parson who has run less than 3 hashes

Hash Handel- nickname given on 3rd hash, decied by the local hash council

Hash council- the elders who keep a small amount of control on the hash

Hash House- the name of the hash group

Down Down- after the first hash, when a hasher is given there handel, and for other reason a person has to do a down down, or chug a beer (soda for the youngsters) by the end of a short song.

Down Down song-

Here's to (insert name) he/she's ok
He/she's a wanker so they say
and he/she'll never get to heaven it's a long, long way
(start drinking)
Drink it down

any bear not yet drunk is poured on you head.
The down down is often done from a vessel

Vessel-rubber chicke with a thermous up his rear, a bed pan, or any other odd thing a person can drink from

Hash-it- a toilet seat worn by some one who was bad or broke a rule on a previous hash, he must were it until another breaks a rule. Rules can be hard to break, but if you annoye enough peopel you will get it.

rules for the race

1. there are no rules

2. there will be a hare (a person with a head start who is laying a trail)

3. there will be hounds (every one else, trying to catch the hare, who ever does gets his/her pants)

4. the hair will lay a trail
with flower he leaves 'checks' small marks every so many feet, eventual he will leave a Checking mark a circle with a dot in it, from there the trail can go any where in 360 degrees, the hair will leave false trails were the flower checks just stop or that end with a CheckBack (a Checking with an X throuh it) than mean return to the last Checking.
when ever a hound sees a check he yells check, when he sees a Checking he yells Checking, and when he sees a CheckBack he yells CheckBack.

5. thou shalt not be a SCB
A Short Cutting Bad person, another translation exists, if you are seen short cutting you will have to do a down down

6. new shoes
new shoes at a hash mean who have to do a down down from your shoes

I was part of Nato Napels Hash House Harriers when we were overseas. I never liked running much, but my Dad did, so I hashed.
My Hash Handel is Moses, because on my second hash I fell in Lago Averno (note: in the Aneid this very lake is were Aneis vists the under world, sulfer fumes used to kill birds as they flew over) and was pulled out from the "reeds and rushes"
My Dad is Dudly Do Right, because he doesn't take part in some of the more vulger hash songs.
My sister is Greenhouse because on the Hat Hash (everyone wears a hat) she wore a shower cap and told some one it was like being in a greenhouse
My Mom is Sensa Nome (not spelled right) which is Italian for No Name, because she didn't do anything worth nameing her for.
My dog is the Hashing Beast 2, because he was the second dog in the hash, and because he barked at someones pet Tiger on a hash. My dog isn't very smart.
