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Re: Y2K stuff and Herc
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, December 2, 1999, at 23:05:52
In Reply To: Re: Y2K stuff posted by Spider-Boy on Thursday, December 2, 1999, at 22:48:28:

> > > Not likely. All this Y2K paranoia has most of us Americans staying the heck away from planes...not to say that traveling to New Zealand doesn't have a certain appeal to it. Exotic locales, Kinder eggs--heck, I could even get a cameo in FotR if I play my cards right!
> > >
> > > -M"Mister Jackson, do you have any parts for a female fourteen year old American who is too tall to be a hobbit? No? Well I'll try again when you're filming Two Towers, okay?"el
> >
> > You're about a year too late for extras casting, Mel. I've already said this on the forum, but it's so intensely annoying to me that I'll say it again: I *had* the chance to be a Rider of Rohan and I didn't sign up. Ngggg! The ad just said they wanted people with long hair who could ride horses and were willing to travel. I thought it was just another Hercules spinoff so I threw the ad away.
> >
> > Brunnen-"being in a TV ad totally didn't compare"G
> I would have gone for the Hercules spinoff any way. By the way, this may be a really dumb question, but have you met any of the people on Herc or Xena?
> Spider-thatsproablyassmartasaskingapersonfromLAistheymetamoviestar-Boy

Here's the list, as far as I can remember:
The guy who fixes shoes at a booth in my local shopping mall was some oppressed villager type;
Up until a few years ago, I saw Lucy Lawless about a million times in various places around town - never spoke to her, though;
Ditto Michael Hurst;
A guy who was in the same martial arts class as me years ago was some sort of evil lobster on one episode, then went on to be a regular stuntman;
I know one of the lighting crew guys (casual acquaintance level);
Virtually every second or third person appearing on either show was a failed actor from the worst NZ soap opera ever, "Shortland Street", and can usually be found by going to Ponsonby Road on a Saturday night and entering a cafe at random.

Now, if it's *locations* you want, I could take you to practically every place you ever saw in those shows within a couple of hours' drive of my place. Except the ones which were computer generated, of course.

Brunnen-"any other questions?"G