Re: For all of you movie goers
Sam, on host
Wednesday, December 1, 1999, at 13:28:50
Re: For all of you movie goers posted by famous on Wednesday, December 1, 1999, at 13:09:07:
> Just thought I'd clarify that.
Clarify is what you did, and clarify is good. I'm just putting my two cents in here to make sure "justify" wasn't also a motivation in posting that. The critic side of me tends to prefer to speak in terms of objective "best" than subjective "favorite," but your rationale reminded me how interesting a thoughtful analysis of why a particular movie is a favorite can be.
I think "You've Got Mail" is getting some undo harshness here. Spider-Boy and Finchplucker seem to be opposed to the movie on grounds of personal preference (which is ok, but it doesn't make it a bad movie much less "quite possibly the worst movie ever") and are justifying that by reciting rote movie criticisms that, in fact, don't even apply. "You've Got Mail" isn't about plot, it's about people and feelings and chemistry. Sure, you know they'll end up together in the end, but it's not the objective that counts but the way they get there. Hanks and Ryan have a wonderful screen presence together, and the heart and sincerity they pour into their roles, along with that bit of movie magic, is what makes "You've Got Mail" a success. Perhaps it's not objectively the greatest movie ever made (I liked it), but it's a far cry from the worst.