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Toy Story 2
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999, at 16:29:47

I am proud to say that I contributed to the record breaking 80.8 million dollar opening.
If you liked the first Toy Story, I think you'll really enjoy the sequel. It was very funny and very well done, Pixar should be proud. We took my 4-year old daughter, and she enjoyed herself as well.
Without spoiling anything, it's a fun story that essentially picks up shortly after where the first one left off. As an adult, it's great to see a movie that inspires the imagination as much as this can, plus I get *all* of the humor. There are quite a few things thrown in especially for adults, like a Jurassic Park and a Star Wars reference. There's also a neat cameo by a character from another Pixar work. The plot itself is fairly linear, but that doesn't detract at all.
Technically, there are several moments where you'd have difficulty determining if the image is actually c.g. or live action. They've also done some improvements in recreating flesh, -nice close-ups with hair & other details.
That's about the most I can say without spoiling anything. Definitely go see it on the big screen, it's one film that's actually worth the extra cash.

Tra "all thumbs up" nio

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