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Re: Clothing Rant
Posted By: Mel, on host
Date: Saturday, November 27, 1999, at 16:28:32
In Reply To: Re: Clothing Rant posted by Dagmar on Saturday, November 27, 1999, at 07:14:23:

> Have you ever felt the sensual pleasure of warm wind passing lightly over your skin through the soft, sheer-cotton material of a peasant blouse? You just don't get the same sensation in a tee-shirt.
>'s great for someone like myself who has always found those clothes comfortable and feels she was born in the wrong decade. Whether they're awful or not is a matter of taste. *grin*
> Dagmar
> (and I like disco too)

Well yes, I suppose it is a matter of taste as to whether or not today's trendy clothes are any good. I for one don't like them (and thanks, Chris, for prooving that I'm not alone in this opinion).
But you must admit that it's weird that all of the stuff kids are wearing these days seems like a reincarnation of clothes from the sixties. I just don't see why this is taking place; in all of history I've never heard of fashions repeating themselves......unless.....ohmigosh! It must be a conspiracy! A conspiracy, I tell you! The mice are probably behind this...

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