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Re: Ok, here it goes... a few poems....
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999, at 18:09:19
In Reply To: Ok, here it goes... a few poems.... posted by Grace on Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 23:18:54:

> Alright, famous said I could....:)
> I'll post a few poems first....
> -----------------------------------
> Red #5
> Rust red hair frames her pale sick face,
> Her mother let her leave the house that way?
> Or maybe, poor dear, her mother
> died so many years ago, leaving her
> with her sensitive and shattered
> father, who only sees his dead wife's
> eyes when he look at his daughter,
> and doesn't notice the manmade color of
> her tresses.
> Or maybe, her mother, being the
> eccentric type, still alive, divorced
> from a sensitive and shattered husband,
> approves of this bottled shade,
> and doesn't mind that her pale sick
> daughter is on fire?
> ------------------------------------
> ok, another one...this one rhymes :)
> --------------------------------------
> as the news his lips delivered
> sank into my stubborn head,
> i felt i'd lain on goose-down pillows
> and found them all of quills instead.
> -----------------------------------------
> can you stand one more?
> ---------------------------------
> I like mad seas
> and storm sky moons.
> Why then must you bring me
> thousands of gorgeous diamonds?
> Why have you placed them here at my feet?
> I do not want them there.
> -----------------------------------------
> Ok, tell me what you think. Good. Bad. Tone. Word choice. Meaning. "Shut up". Whatever....
> Thanks!
> Gr"be honest, you won't hurt my feelings"ace

My favorite poems are all humorous, but I really liked the one about the pillows. I'm somewhat narrow minded about poetry that doesn't rhyme. "Red #5" left me feeling a little uneasy, but I guess that was what it was supposed to do. I don't think I want to know who the characters are. Maybe that means your poem was right on target.
(And don't give me too much credit. English was my minor. I was a science teacher who taught some English from time to time!:-) )