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hello and a story.
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 20:11:06

Well, it's 10:55 here in lovely Southern Ohio, and I am doing the I-just-figured-out-a-really-stupid-problem dance in my computer room. I'm writing this program that's due at 2:00 tomorrow, and it's probably about a 12-15 hour program, and I just started today. I can't help the procrastination in that class. It's just too easy to put it all off. Anyway, I thought I'd drop in on the forum again, since I'm on this 'high', and actually post a message.

Um, just a comment, Happy Birthday to whose ever birthday it is here! Birthday's are so cool.

And a special hi to my sibling who has just joined. Hey bambino! Everyone play well with the new kid. Be nice. hehe.

Well, I wish I had more to share. Oh yeah, here's a little story. (don't get excited, it's not a great one). Ok, you know how it is when you see someone doing something wrong and you don't want to tell them, but you can't help but laugh? Well, that kinda happened in class today. Our Prof. was wearing this scarf-type thing (which I don't like personally, they look too 'sophisticated business-woman' for me), and by the time she was near the end of her lecture that thing had gone almost completly to one side. It was only barely around her neck. Of course, we had been watching it and wispering about it for a half-hour, and finally, I couldn't handle it anymore. I just started laughing. I mean, that kind of uncontrollable laugh, and there was nothing I could do. Of course, being the suck-up that I am, I was sitting up front, and couldn't keep quiet if my life depended on it. Picture me with my entire face engulfed in my hands, trying to muffle the laughter. It was too much. Finally she caught on and asked what we were all laughing at, and we told her. She laughed too, because she's a cool lady. It was so funny, and I know you'd have to be there to get the full effect of it, but just picture yourself in that situation. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. I'm going to have to do it more often.

fam 'ok, now back to the program' ous