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Texas A&M Bonfire
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 07:44:53

My alma mater, Texas A&M University, has an annual bonfire -- it's a huge stack of logs, stacked vertically, like a layered wedding cake. It's worked on around the clock for weeks in preparation for the big game against our arch-rivals, the University of Texas. There were about 50 or so people working on the stack last night when the center pole holding the stack upright snapped. The entire structure -- about 45 feet tall with hundreds of 12-foot long logs -- collapsed. As I type this, there are four dead.

This just feels weird, talking about this. I want to say something here, but I'm really drained. Maybe I'll be more coherent in a bit.

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