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Re: Anakin, Sailor Moon, Lexx, Dune, Starship Troopers
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 1999, at 07:57:28
In Reply To: Re: Anakin Skywalker casting call posted by Brunnen-G on Monday, November 15, 1999, at 18:19:49:

> > > > > > The question is: Who do YOU wanna see as Anaking?
> > > > >
> > > > > I'd like to see me as Anakin. :-} I think I could do it. And I look enough like a possible older version of that little kid that I could be convincing, I think.
> > > >
> > > > Well you certainly convinced me. 8*)
> > >
> > > Gee, these auditions are getting simpler every time, aren't they. :-}
> >
> > I'm not so sure. I've got a bad feeling about this... Y'see, it's *Brunnen-G* who can lay claim to having both a light side and a dark side to himself; you're not qualified. Besides, your eyes are way too piercing to play a young man who starts off with the best of intentions and wants to do nothing but good. Having scary eyes just isn't in the script for Anakin, Darien.
> >
> > Wolfspirit
> Hey, are you implying *I* start off with the best of intentions and want to do nothing but good? Doesn't that sort of imply that the intentions don't exactly pay off? Hmmph. After all the time Fawcett and I put in defending you guys against Kang, too.

Who said I actually wanted *you* cast as Anakin? I merely said you would be more in touch with The Force than Darien. Darien's already admitted he's secretly got much in common with the dashing, elegant, ultra-handsome Chiba Mamoru a.k.a Tuxedo Mask a.k.a Prince Darien, none of whom look like Anakin. What do *you* look like... anything like Kai Last?

His HAIR, maybe?

I searched out what the last representative of Brunnen-G is supposed to be like:

"Kai is highly intelligent, skilled, and extremely knowledgable, a being of deep thought but few words. His allure spans both the light and dark universes, and there are similarities between Kai and beings from gothic/horror mythology. As he slowly begins to remember his past life, will he be able to accept what he had done during his 2000 years in servitude as a zombie assassin for His Divine Shadow?"

Oh wow. What a rich background. Y'know, there's some interesting similarities between Kai and the memory-sucking Face Dancers from Dune. Wait a minute... Are we secretly talking about the giant evil mind-sucking Brain Bugs from Starship Troopers?

> Brunnen-"doing scary eyes at you"G

No, *crabs* and *giant slugs* got scary eyes. You're not going to phaze me at all, unless you grow horribly beady little black eyes that wave back and forth on stalks. :-)

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