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Re: Anakin Skywalker casting call
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 1999, at 07:00:46
In Reply To: Re: Anakin Skywalker casting call posted by Sam on Monday, November 15, 1999, at 05:55:18:

> > The question is: Who do YOU wanna see as Anaking?
> The roles were cast a long time ago: Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat will be playing the roles.

ARGH. I can't believe that it took me two days to figure out your comment, Sam. That's great. :-)

Eh, it hit me while we were discussing flicks last night over a good hot meal of Ba-Bo Bean and Eight Treasure Soup with stir-fried Japanese eggplant, bamboo shoots, and 4598. The Annaking revelation cracked them up. Man, I'm hoping that movie's gonna kick. The sets ought to be lavish enough as eye candy if nothing else.

Wolf "bean curd must be brain food" spirit