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Re: Kenshin Anime Show
Posted By: Lorenzo, on host
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 18:09:13
In Reply To: Re: Kenshin Anime Show posted by Stephen on Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 17:33:24:

> Kenshin is a show that's a strange mix of serious Japanese samurai stuff and wackiness. I haven't seen much of it, but I've got a friend who loves it. Perhaps I can persuade him to post something on it...
> Stephen

Yeah, well... The full name of the show is Rurouni Kenshin. Its basically about Kenshin, who was an ex-japanese government assassin, who...lests say was disbanded when the new government took over (Meji Era) Because he killed many people durring his "Battosai" days, he vows to never kill again, hense he carries a inverted katana (The cutting edge is on the back side, instead of the front) so he can beat people down. So this samurai guy fights people, stuff happends about his past, people wanna see is old self, more people come and fight,more people show p to become friends, main evil guy shows up occasionally, people from he old government shows up, blah blah blah *complicated storyline stuff* Anyways, There are many Kenshin sites out there, check this link out.


Link: Happy Fun Kenshin Links!!!

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