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Re: World's Easiest Quiz(mentions NZ)... Kiwis and ackees
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 06:03:48
In Reply To: World's Easiest Quiz(mentions NZ) posted by Fawcett on Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 05:04:11:

> 10 questions, no peeking 'til you finish!

The superior type of so-called misnamed "Chinese gooseberries" are apparently sold in huge quantities within its native country, and you never see them in the outside world except in the pale, picked too early, insufficently ripened form. (I'm deliberately keeping this comment vague for those who haven't taken the Quiz yet.) It's similar to the red sweet giant Chinese lychee (litchi) nuts -- you cannot buy those outside of Hong Kong.

As for Kiwifruit, is there a particular "trick" to growing them that you can't grow them anywhere else?

(For ex. I know Jamaica is the only place where Blue Mountain coffee can be grown with a special flavour. There's also a fruit called "ackee" grown in the West Indies but originally from Africa... it's a very interesting fruit. When ripe, it bursts open in 3 places, with a deep scarlet pod covering on the outside, creamy custard-yellow flesh inside, and 3 pearly black glistening large "eyes", which are the seed pods, at the bottom of the fruit. It's been suggested that this is the original "Tree of Knowledge" fruit; you can only eat it at the proper time. When it's too green, it's poisonous enough to kill, and when it's too ripe, it also goes toxic. I think it tastes quite heavenly.)

Link: Ackees