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Re: Pokemon Movie
Posted By: Marvin, on host
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999, at 14:03:11
In Reply To: Pokemon Movie posted by Mikey on Friday, November 12, 1999, at 10:58:30:

> I can honestly say I did not like this movie. I'm a big anime fan, and can in most cases find something beyond the visuals to like. This is not one of those cases. Admittedly, the animation quality is superb, especially in the opening scenes, and the dialogue is well-translated, in the sense that it was coherent. My main problem was that it tried too hard to be a kids movie. It was unbelievably, utterly, and all-encompassingly *preachy*.
> Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not against moral values or anything, but they should be subtle, not stated over and over again aloud ("Fighting is bad", "It doesn't matter how you are born, we should all get along", "We should look at what's alike in each other, not what's different", among many others are stated multiple times). It tried too hard to be a kids' movie at the end, and it tried too hard to be an action movie at the beginning. Maybe I'm missing something, here...
> Mi "Watch for the Psyduck fighting scene. It's amazing!" key

Personally, I think this Pokemon thing has totally gotten out of hand. Pokemon is everywhere these days. Where ever you look, it seems that you see something Pokemon (or at least in my area). I know this was huge in Japan, but I'd never thought it would happen here...

Ma "Ha. Made you look" rvin