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Re: Pokemon Movie
Posted By: Mikey, on host
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999, at 13:07:20
In Reply To: Re: Pokemon Movie posted by Stephen on Friday, November 12, 1999, at 11:38:06:

> > > I can honestly say I did not like this movie. ... Maybe I'm missing something, here...
> >
> > Maybe not. Of the people I've heard with opinions on it, yours is the most complimentary. (Most also say that the animation quality stinks, too.) Now that you've encouraged weak cinema by spending money on Pokemon, you owe it to all of us to support *good* anime and go see "Princess Mononoke," too. ;-)
> IMO Pokemon is getting a bad rap largely because critics don't understand what's going on. I'm not going to argue that it's a great or even good movie (haven't seen it), but for some reason there's quite a bit of backlash against what is for the most part a fad of decent quality. Pokemon isn't really violent, it tries to have good morals and it's very cute. It may be complete and utter fluff, but compared to other kid trends it's really pretty good. One the occasions that I've seen the TV show, I've found it to have at the very least good animation and to be a mindless way to spend thirty minutes. If I was ten I'd love it.
> Mikey complains that it tried to much to be an action movie and a kids movie, and all I can say is "Well, it was a kids movie." Of course there are some kids movies that can appeal to adults (for reasons I don't quite understand, a lot of the Disney flicks seem to, and I can cite other things like Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro"), but not all of them do or have to. Oh well, I don't really know where I'm going with this.
> Ste "Just stoked that 'Dogma' finally opened... yay!" phen

Don't get me wrong, I know it was supposed to be a kids movie, but they didn't have to push the morals like they did. It's perfectly acceptable and enjoyable for a movie to have a subtle, ambiguous message, and it compromises the intelligence of children to have the characters say EXACTLY what the moral of the story is.

Mi "I just think pokemon look cute!" key