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SS Metal File?
Posted By: vball, on host
Date: Sunday, May 27, 2012, at 00:19:37

I have Elyssia and Zorn at the entrance to Savria. Everyone else that asks questions at this point has a metal file in their inventory. Do I need that to proceed? Will that help me over the fence to get the ladder?

Here is my inventory:
13 Carrots
2 Metallic Arcs
Tower Keys

2 Frog Figurines
1 Rubber Glove
Rusty Key
Tree Branch

1 Jujurr Pit
Black Boots
Fancy Clothes
Vancryl Robe

5 Mana Mushrooms
Busted Flute
Glass Vial

I almost found items in the covered wagon and behind a counter but a grey man took the first and bad guys show up before I can grab what's behind the counter.

I've tried to use the torch for the ocean cave. It's under water. Thought I could use the torch for the bees too. Nope. Please nudge me in the right direction. Thanks!

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